Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday was spent doing the usual Kellogg thing... eating!  Rainah woke up and quickly found her hidden Easter basket- she immediately took a liking to the Cadbury chocolate eggs.  We waited for Jill, Dave, and the boys to come over after church and then the kids went on their Easter egg hunt- they each had two colors and they all did great finding theirs.  We had a delicious ham dinner and as always amazing desserts!  Jessica and Justin were on the road and were greatly missed, but all in all it was a great day!  

Kissing cousins

Talan didn't want any part of sitting for pictures

So we bribed them with cookies

But that didn't last too long

Then Rainah tries to make a break for it but gets the leg

Whatcha gotta do to get a cookie in the Kellogg house!

The Easter egg hunt begins...

Bet ya never saw one of these... a nose harmonica!

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