For Rainah's first birthday, one of her gifts from Mommy and Daddy was a rocking dog, which she just LOVES. She somehow figured out how to climb up on it by herself a few weeks ago, and tonight, she got really daring!
Today Aunt Jill brought Hayden and Talan out from Redford to the snowy west side to check out our very cool Children's Museum and hang out for the day. The kids had a great time together and were all exhausted by the end of the day! We're so glad they came out for the day!!!!
Grandma and Papa sent a Valentine's Day present for Rainah- it took her awhile to get it open and after tossing the dress aside (which was super cute, by the way), she was very happy to find a book! Thank you Grandma and Papa!!
Later that night, during bathtime, I got a few cute shots:
Don occasionally performs stand up comedy and happens to have a show in Alpena on Thursday night (Valentine's Day). Today he came home from work with some beautiful flowers for me and a big decorated chocolate chip cookie and a stuffed animal for Rainah for Valentine's Day, then took us out for a very yummy dinner! We'll miss him tomorrow but enjoyed our time with him tonight- thank you daddy!
Rainah waiting for her cookie with her new stuffed doggy next to her (no doubt waiting for crumbs along with our other beast!)
The yummy cookie daddy bought... mmmm frosting (don't mind me... I've had a cold all week!!)