Since we'll be headed to Novi for Thanksgiving, we decided to pull out the Christmas tree and start decorating today. Rainah had a great time going through the boxes, unwrapping all the ornaments, and hanging them up on the tree. It was so fun watching her - she is already excited about Christmas and is going to have so much fun this year!
Rainah's favorite ornament- the robot
I think here, she is actually doing the robot dance
The finished product (minus the star that I couldn't find)
When Rainah was a few months old we planted a willow tree for her. This spring it wasn't looking very good, but after some pruning and fertilizing, it came back nicely. It seems to be a real favorite with the wildlife, too!
This morning we took Rainah to the public museum downtown for a pow wow and to check out the museum. We walked around for awhile, but most of the things were over her head. The best part of the museum is the huge carousal, so Don and Rainah took a little ride. We hung out at the pow wow for a little bit; Rainah danced a few songs, and then was ready to go. I remember the days I'd spend hours at a pow wow- crazy how kids change things! But we had fun and it was nice to get out and do something a little different.
(borrowed this photo from the fabulous Derek Bailey, who was MC today)